SABER OFFROAD Pink Shackle - Childhood Cancer Support


Introducing Shackles for a Cause

When Steve joined Saber Offroad, he raised an idea of creating a Blue Soft Shackle to raise money for Autism, and with both of us having kids on the spectrum, we moved immediately towards making it happen.

As the idea built, we wanted to do more than just raise funds for one cause, we wanted more. Welcome to ‘Shackles For A Cause”.
We have three soft shackles, Blue (Autism), Purple (Epilepsy) & Pink (Cancer). All causes close to our hearts. We will be giving 20% of every sale to the following designated charities:

About the PINK Shackle Charity

Childhood Cancer Support is a not-for-profit organisation who, for 44 years, has been dedicated to providing families affected by childhood cancer with a place to live that looks and feels like home. Childhood Cancer Support is the oldest children’s cancer charity in Australia and was founded by a dedicated group of parents who realised there was an urgent need to provide a safe and family-focused environment for regional families whilst their child was receiving life-saving cancer treatment in Brisbane at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.